This picture reminds me of what a great big brother Parker will be someday. :)

A year ago during our Superbowl party I remember telling my family that I was going off of birth control. Jeff and I decided that we were open to having another baby and that's kind of hard to do when you are on birth control. We didn't know if it would happen right away or not. It took us about four month to get pregnant with Parker. So here we are, a year later and still not pregnant. I have had my ups and downs with it. We have been blessed with an amazing little boy and I don't want to miss out on my time right now with him because I am so focused on having another baby. Our desire is to have more children. I loved growing up with my sisters and they are still such a huge part of my best friends. Sometimes I feel like this is something I have to struggle through silently. Like getting pregnant is supposed to be this easy thing. But the thing is, I think there are a lot of people who struggle with it. Why does it have to be a silent struggle? We are having trouble getting pregnant. There. I said it. Now it's out there for the few people who read my blog. :) My doctor has been great and is being very proactive in helping us in this process. I am very thankful for that. Even though I get down about it sometimes, I mostly have peace about it right now. I'm not bitter towards people who are currently pregnant. I am so happy for the friends I know who are expecting. Hopefully I will be joining them soon. But if not, I want to make the most of the time I have with my sweet little family. If you made it to the end of this post you will realize that it wasn't really about the Superbowl at all. Although I did enjoy dancing with Parker and my sisters during the halftime show! :)
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