Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Family Pictures

Noelle took some family pictures for us!
Here are some of my favorites...

Growing Boy

How big is Parker?
1 week old
Soooo big!
3 months old

Happy Birthday Mel

I turned 27 in November!
I'm dancing to a card my in-laws sent me!
At dinner they brought Parker his first balloon
even though he couldn't really do anything with it!
This was my first birthday as a fun!

Happy Halloween

Baby's 1st Halloween!Monkey boy!
Sleepy monkey boy!
Nate, Noelle, and I had a caramel unwrapping contest!
Grandma thinks he's the cutest monkey ever!
Our little monkey with...
Mommy and Daddy,
Grandma and Grandpa,
Aunt Noelle and Uncle Nate,
and Uncle Tyler and Aunt Heidi
dressed up for a costume party!
Parker wasn't in his costume for long
because he was already too big for it!